Welcome to FirstAlexaSkills

FirstAlexaSkills is a Python package with example Alexa skills and utilities that will enable you to quickly and confidently develop third party Alexa Skills using AWS Lambda. The tutorials will guide you in developing skills with increasing complexity, starting from basics and using test-driven development to add additional layers of functionality.


You can install FirstAlexaSkills with pip:

$ pip install FirstAlexaSkills

See Installation for more information.

Why a package for making Alexa Skills?

If you haven’t developed Alexa skills before, the workflow can seem overwhelming. If you have developed skills before, you will agree that having a workflow for

developing and testing the Lambda code really makes the difference between happiness and despair. This package addresses:
  • Automated testing for Lambdas
  • User-friendly generation of fake Alexa events
  • Minimizes manual AWS console interactions
  • Examples with progressive skill difficulty - from simple to complex
  • Beginner friendly commandline tools - perfect for a Hackathon

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